Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk (available in April)

Here I incorporate the outdoors, walking and talking with individuals as a way to sort out nontherapeutic minor complaints and problems.


If you want to chat about a nagging issue we can have a walk outside the office, online or give me a call. It’s the most flexible option meeting the needs of individuals wherever they are.


An individual session is:

NL € 125 (excl. 21%VAT) for 45 minute.

Locations in Central Amsterdam can easily be arranged or call-in sessions are also possible. 



Is due to secure an appointment.

The Schedule Buttons will take you to the

calendar and an investment opportunity via Stripe, PayPal or credit card. 


You can do this via the website, up to 24 hours, 1 working day in advance. If you do not cancel the appointment on time, the full costs of the session will be charged.