Policy & Information


Crisis Policy

E.T.P. does not have 24 hours of access, Monday - Friday, during the day and in the early evening (between 10 am and 5 pm) I try to respond as quickly as possible.

Within the Netherlands:

In an emergency situation, it is important that you always contact your (acting) GP or crisis service. Outside office hours you can contact the GP post (088 003 06 00) or the urgent emergency service psychiatry (SPA)  020 523 54 33  

In the event of suicidality, you can call online suicide prevention 0800-0113. Or visit their website: www.113.nl

Is your life in immediate danger? Call 112 immediately.

Payment and cancellations

For the Netherlands:

New GGZ funding: the Care Performance Model

As of January 1, 2022, a new funding for Mental Health Care (GGZ) has been introduced: the Care Performance Model.

More information for clients can be found in this folder.

From 2022, funding will no longer be based on a package or trajectory, but on the actual number of consultations, the duration of the consultations and the type of consultation (diagnosis or treatment). In addition, there is no longer a standard rate per consultation, but each type of practitioner has its own rate. For example, the rate of a clinical psychologist will be higher than the rate of a GZ psychologist.

And finally, the rates are determined by the way in which the care is provided. The Care Performance Model calls this a 'setting'. A setting is a combination of the required infrastructure and the deployment of various professions. 

E.T.P. Enterprise works within:

  • Quality charter section II 

Rates as of January 1, 2025

The overviews below include the rates from 1 January 2025, as determined by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa)

            See Below

The overview includes the rates for the consultations that last 60, 75, 90 and 120 minutes.

The duration of the consultations will be agreed in consultation with the treating healthcare professional, but in general the consultations will last between 60 and 90 minutes and minutes are charged. The rate for the planned consultation, is billed even if the consultation actually takes a little longer or shorter, in accordance with rules from the NZA.

Payments are made to secure an appointment. An appointment is not without obligation.

If you are unable to honor a counseling appointment, please cancel the appointment, so that we can schedule another appointment. You can do this on the website up to 48 hours, 2 working days in advance. If you do not cancel the appointment within 48 hours, the full costs of the session will be charged.


Your Privacy is important, therefore conditions and treatments are not reported to the health insurer and your file is not supplied to the national DBC Information System (DIS). If you are a non-insurance client. There is also no filming, recording, or

eavesdropping, of any session or conversation, without consent being clearly given by both parties. ETP Enterprise, does not give consent to any audio or video recording of any part of the private sessions in accordance with the Dutch criminal law. Specifically Sections 139a -139g of the Criminal Code of the Netherlands.


Healthcare Insurance Compensation

In the case of a basic package, you may be entitled to a partial reimbursement of a maximum of 55% - 75% based on the market rate that has been determined by the NZA (Dutch Healthcare Authority). With a restitution policy (free choice of care package) you may be entitled to a higher reimbursement based on the market rate set by the NZA.

For the exact amount of reimbursement please contact your insurance company. Treatments may be reimbursed (in part) afterwards. I do not accept insurance. You must check with your insurance company to see if this is possible. This means that you first pay the bill yourself.

Time Commitment

A counseling session lasts 60 - 90 minutes. The frequency is usually one session per week or every two weeks.

Homework assignments can be part of the treatment. During the intake/diagnostic interview 60 - 180 minutes, we will discuss which complaints or problems you are experiencing.

The counseling treatment starts immediately afterwards. After, we can put together a treatment plan in which we formulate the goals we will work towards. However, it may occur that I am not able to help you or can only partially help you. In that case, I will refer you back to your GP/house doctor or insurance company to find a suitable therapist. 



If you are not satisfied with the counseling treatment, I would like to hear from you. I take your complaint seriously and together we can look for a good solution. If you are unable to discuss this with me, it is possible to file a complaint. Sjaña Holloway, is a members of the NVGzP complaints procedure. For more information see: https://www.nvgzp.nl/diensten/nvgzp-klachtenregeling/.


Quality status

Every GGZ institution and independent GGZ practice is obliged to have a quality statute as of 1 January 2017. The work processes of the institution or practice are described in the statute.

Waiting times

Waiting times vary depending on the service. For counseling, If you find the waiting time too long, you can always contact your care provider or ask your health care provider for waiting list mediation. Your health care provider can support you, so that you will receive an intake interview within 4 weeks of your first contact with a care provider, and that treatment may start within 10 weeks of the intake. These are the maximum acceptable waiting times that have been jointly agreed between care providers and health insurers (in general).